Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Follow up from August Support Group Meeting

Hello Everyone,
We had a great turnout last night at our support group meeting. It was a lot of fun for our family for sure, and I hope that it was for all of those who were able to make it as well. We played an improvised game of Tourette Syndrome Jeopardy- with 5 topics of Common Tics, Environmental Factors that worsen Tics, Positive Things about having Tourette Syndrome, Lines to use when all else fails. We saw a lot of smiles, and kids who even took notes on Tanner's presentation, and very attentive kids who were looking for what the next prize would be. It was great fun! We will have to pull it out again and change around the topics for something else.
If you would like me to email you a copy of our home made Game just let me know I would be happy to do so. I learn how to do things better each time we meet so Thank you for being patient with me in my mistakes, and shake ups.
Here are the links I promised for the reference link for information for you to practice role playing with your kids on the one liners, or our subject of Lines to use when all else fails. This is the link for the website to Dr. Duncan McKinlay. He has a great way to bring humor to the table with talking about TS.

Our goal with the Support Group is to Bring you as much information as possible and let you make the decision of what you would like to use or not. There is a lot of great resources out there, and you are the best people to judge what is right for your family.


We will be starting back at meeting consistently the next few month, probably taking December off for the Holidays. Septembers subject is Health and Nutrition and excercise with Laurie Durham a nutritionist/TS Parent speaking to us. We will let you know soon of the specific date when we get the building scheduled. We have had a lot of interest and excitement in the Flying Pig Marathon TS Team for May, and working through the winter, training etc. I want to make sure I add a personal footnote on here, I am setting the goal myself to at least walk the 1/2 marathon, and it is a loftly goal for me, especially since I have 50+ lbs to lose as well. So if you were at all ever thinking that there is just absolutely no way, you would do this, remember sometimes we need to think BIG and set our sites for the impossible, or kids do it on a daily basis, and we also encourage them as well. There is an event for everyone from kids run to 10K, to working the race. Please consider what you can do to contribute, and everything we earn, will go directly into helping our support group, and the Youth Ambassador fund.

Aaron and I would sincerely like some additional help in planning and making this fundraiser happen, so if you are at all interested in helping. PLEASE call or email me. We will welcome the help with open arms, and happy hearts, all 50+ overweight lbs of me.

We hope you all have a wonderful beginning to the school year, and PLEASE DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP WITH YOUR IEP OR 504 MEETINGS, OR ANY SCHOOL ISSUES YOU MAY HAVE. That is what we are here for.

Happy Days,

Cari and Aaron Hutchison & Gang

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder of our Family Support Group Meeting at the

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,

8250 Cornell Rd, Montgomery.

Tanner is presenting the Youth Ambassador Presentation, and we have information for everyone to pass out to their schools so we can get some presentations scheduled for the upcoming school year. We will have packets for your to present to your School administrators.

We also have a fun Game that we have prepared for the kids to play and prizes to win, just like on Jeopardy. It will be a lot of fun. We will be meeting in the gym.

OH AN DON'T FORGET THE HOT FUDGE SUNDAE BAR- that is why I need RSVP so we can assign a topping for your family to bring.

I have attached information that may be helpful for you, as you prepare to go back to school in the coming weeks, and getting everything in order with your 504-plans and your IEP stuff. These are pdf files that I purchased off the TSA-usa.org website. I thought it would be more cost effective if you printed them yourselves at home. Also I thought they would be a good resource to educate yourselves and provide helps for you to give to the schools and teachers.

If there is ever a need or you would just like more support in your 504 or IEP meetings, I would be happy to come and help advocate for you or help you prepare for those meetings. Feel free call upon us to help you in that way, that is what this is all meant for.

Next order of business,

I have been looking into forming a team to run/walk/ kids run in the Flying Pig Marathon in May. We can get an individual webpage through tsa to raise the funds, and also, the money we collect we can have them ear-marked for the youth Ambassador program to help with training more kids, and facilitiate all the expenses of printing and purchasing bracelets to hand out etc.

Next Month we are going to spend some time on talking about Nutrition and Excercise and Tourette's, How it can be beneficial for the and families. Laurie Dunham who is a member of our support Group and has a son with TS will be talking to us about the that subject and this would also be a great opportunity to start the interest in getting ready for the Flying Pig Marathon, and help the kids set goals to work towards, with walking or running which every you choose. If you are not familiar with the marathon, there are several different catagories, that you can enter in, and also training methods, etc. we are going to train as a family, and also work towards, the kids setting a goal as well. There is a kids run, 5 k 10K, 1/2 marathon, and the full marathon. so there is something for everyone. It is good to think ahead and look to see what your family can do. We will present more informatoin on this in September- with our Group Goals.

If you have any other ideas for events or classes you would like to know more informaiton on please let me know. I have been looking into Having FUN time in October, with a Corn maze and Pumpkin patch visit, and I have also been looking into taking a tour of a theraputic riding facility, which may be an idea for some of the families to see if this would be an alternative way for anxiety therapy, and scensory integration help. We still have several other months to fill with good ideas, and helps for informational classes. Share your ideas!!! or Resources- This isn't just about me planning and choosing everything I would like to have input from the families too or if you have a business or fun activity then let me know let's book it.

Okay, well enough said for now! See you all tonight for fun and games and ice cream.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Updates and Support Group Meeting

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a great summer so far. We are, but I can tell that the boredom is setting in, and hopefully I can make it another month with our crew, since we have an extra long summer this year.
Our next Family support group meeting is

Family Workshop-

How to talk deal with Bullies & how to talk about your TS with others

Monday August, 23rd, 2010 at 6:30-8:00

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

8250 Cornell Rd, Montgomery

The Family Workshop will be a Center/Group activity role playing how to talk or advocate for yourself, and talk about your Tourette Syndrome or your tics. Tanner will take the first 30 minutes to present the Youth Ambassador Presentation for those of you who haven't seen it, and also for the kids to see what it is like to see if they would like Tanner to come and speak to their class at the beginning of the year.

Then we will have a questions answer for the kids to Tanner about how he handles situations at school, and with his sports teams and others. Hopefully this will help the kids get some ideas of how they can approach situations.

If there is time left. We will break off into groups, and talk in small groups about different scenarios of how to handle situations. I will have slips, for the kids to draw different conflicts and how to handle them.

If you have any specific needs or issues you would like to have addressed, please email them to me and I will put them into the mix, as anonymous situations.

I hope this will give the kids a chance to think through what is coming up with the beginning of school and how to help themselves be successful.

We will have refreshments at the end- Icecream Sundaes- if you wouldn't mind RSVPing to me, if your family is planning on attending. I will have each family bring a topping for the Sundaes, and we will provide the icecream- When you RSVP I will assign you the topping to bring so we don't have to much of a good thing.
You can RSVP by replying to this email or you can text me on my cell phone- 513-569-2982

NEWS- & Upcoming ideas
TS Awareness RUN-Walk-Ride

Several families have expressed interest in doing a fundraiser by doing a run for TS or a bike for TS or something similar to that. This is a fantastic idea, and after discussing the options with The National Tourette Syndrome Association, I have found that they will actually hold an account for us to raise money for the Youth Ambassador Program even though we are not directly affiliated with the TS-Ohio chapter. So, we can take the money we raise with our runs or walks or event we decide to hold, or participate in, and send the Money to TSA National and they will put that towards helping us get the Youth Ambassador Program off and running.

If there is anyone interested in heading this up, to plan and organize this event, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to talk to you. Please contact me and I can get you the information of how we can get started. I would very much appreciate the help and assistance in getting this off the ground and running. The more of us that are involved, the better, and we can have A LOT! of fun with this.

Grant Money for our Support Group-

I have recently found out about a few companies that are sponsoring kids for charitable events that they working to do. I am applying for a Grant at one of these companies, in hopes that we can get some money for our More than Tics Family Support Group. We are hoping by even qualifiying for the $300 grant that it will help us, fund some fun activities for the kids in the future. I am hoping that This money will help to supplement an Activity for October for a trip to the pumpkin patch or corn maze or some great event like that for Fall. This way we are able to help everyone come and enjoy.

If you know of any other opportunities, or Grants or money that may be available to help fund and support our Family Support Group, or the TS Youth Ambassador Program we would LOVE to hear about it. It is always worth a shot.

www.morethantics.blogspot.com We are excited to work cooperatively with TSA National, and appreciate their support and help in giving us ideas and keeping us informed of opportunities that will help us all. That is what it is all about. Helping each other be successful!!!
Happy Days!