Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Follow up from August Support Group Meeting

Hello Everyone,
We had a great turnout last night at our support group meeting. It was a lot of fun for our family for sure, and I hope that it was for all of those who were able to make it as well. We played an improvised game of Tourette Syndrome Jeopardy- with 5 topics of Common Tics, Environmental Factors that worsen Tics, Positive Things about having Tourette Syndrome, Lines to use when all else fails. We saw a lot of smiles, and kids who even took notes on Tanner's presentation, and very attentive kids who were looking for what the next prize would be. It was great fun! We will have to pull it out again and change around the topics for something else.
If you would like me to email you a copy of our home made Game just let me know I would be happy to do so. I learn how to do things better each time we meet so Thank you for being patient with me in my mistakes, and shake ups.
Here are the links I promised for the reference link for information for you to practice role playing with your kids on the one liners, or our subject of Lines to use when all else fails. This is the link for the website to Dr. Duncan McKinlay. He has a great way to bring humor to the table with talking about TS.

Our goal with the Support Group is to Bring you as much information as possible and let you make the decision of what you would like to use or not. There is a lot of great resources out there, and you are the best people to judge what is right for your family.


We will be starting back at meeting consistently the next few month, probably taking December off for the Holidays. Septembers subject is Health and Nutrition and excercise with Laurie Durham a nutritionist/TS Parent speaking to us. We will let you know soon of the specific date when we get the building scheduled. We have had a lot of interest and excitement in the Flying Pig Marathon TS Team for May, and working through the winter, training etc. I want to make sure I add a personal footnote on here, I am setting the goal myself to at least walk the 1/2 marathon, and it is a loftly goal for me, especially since I have 50+ lbs to lose as well. So if you were at all ever thinking that there is just absolutely no way, you would do this, remember sometimes we need to think BIG and set our sites for the impossible, or kids do it on a daily basis, and we also encourage them as well. There is an event for everyone from kids run to 10K, to working the race. Please consider what you can do to contribute, and everything we earn, will go directly into helping our support group, and the Youth Ambassador fund.

Aaron and I would sincerely like some additional help in planning and making this fundraiser happen, so if you are at all interested in helping. PLEASE call or email me. We will welcome the help with open arms, and happy hearts, all 50+ overweight lbs of me.

We hope you all have a wonderful beginning to the school year, and PLEASE DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP WITH YOUR IEP OR 504 MEETINGS, OR ANY SCHOOL ISSUES YOU MAY HAVE. That is what we are here for.

Happy Days,

Cari and Aaron Hutchison & Gang

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