Monday, October 4, 2010

Tourette Syndrome Quick Reference Resources

The other day I was researching out information on ADHD, and executive disfunction, and I came across some great information I thought would be great to share with everyone.  If you don't know Executive disfunction is related to ADHD.  It is a component that plays in to your ability to organize your thoughts, and yourself.  I like to think of it as my secretary skills.

Tanner and Mason both struggle with this issue with their ADD/ADHD.  We have to work really hard to make sure there are set due dates for their homework, and also that they are planning out to make sure they are accomplishing little bits of assignments along the way on big projects.  This can also be a factor with handing in assignments, remembering when things are due, and what supplies you need to bring home with you.  It is like a LACK of a big picture or sequence of what happens next.

We have had a difficult time at time getting teachers to understand this missing component and it wasn't until this year until we had our Psychiatrist write a letter explaining how Executive Disfunction plays into the ADHD that we were able to get someone to believe we knew what we were talking about. 

Hopefully this link will be helpful in explaining the different aspects of this disorder.  I printed it out just to have on hand to take with me to school meetings.  (Click on the link)

Executive Function-Dr. Thomas Brown Ph.d the 6 Aspects of a misunderstood disorder

Another Favorite website I love is Tourette Syndrome Leslie Packard Ph.d
You can find all kinds of information on there to help with education advocacy as well as multiple other helps.  One of the pdf files I love to reference is this one on Common Tics .  When Tanner was first diagnosised, I had no idea what was a tic and what wasn't.  You can imagine that a lot of these tics listed can be looked at as "Normal" behaviors in all of us.  What you have to understand about a person with Tourette Syndrome is these are all done in an excess amount, or in patterns and sequences.  I can think of several tics my boys have shown where they have several that have to go in a certain order, or one tic that is done a certain amount of times, or just a constant tic.  It is easy to justify the tics for those of us who don't have Tourette Syndrome.  I think this is easy as a parent to say,  well maybe it is just allergies, or just this or just that.  But if you really think about it,  sniffing could be allergies, however, allergies would cause stress on a TSer's body, and cause the tics to be worse at certain times of the year.  So if you are thinking that is is just that time of year, and they will go away, and they don't,  check out the allergist, and then watch the to see if there is  pattern to the tics. 

I have come to realize that my boys are very aware of their bodies, and as I helped them become more aware of the things they were doing and we were both figuring out what was going on they became even more comfortable about sharing with me what what a tic and what wasn't.  If I wasn't sure I would ask them, and if they didn't know either, then we would watch together, and keep a list to see how things worked out, because REMEMBER, they can come and go, WAX AND WANE.  They will come back during times throughout their life.  We have had them sneak up for just a day or so, and go away again.  Our comment to each other is, "OOO,  haven't heard or seen that one in a while,  looks like you had a sneak attack."

I think being more informed and treating Tourette Syndrome like it is just like every other diagnosis is the best way for all to accept what is to come.  It is what it is,  it is who God sent you here to be,  What are you going to do with what has been given to you.  This goes for being the parent too.  How are you going to approach helping your child accept and love themselves and their Tourettes.

One of my favorite quotes, is by Marjory Pay Hinckley about having a sense of Humor...

"The only way to get through this life is to laugh your way through it.  You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."

Isn't that so true.-  If you can't laugh at the moment,  you will probably find some humor in the situation at some point, even if it is when looking back.

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